Holmby Westwood’s Tree Plan


Holmby Westwood’s two thousand parkway trees were planted by the Janss Investment Company in the late 1920s before the first houses were built in our neighborhood. Each street has a distinctive tree species: for example Casaurinas or River She oaks on Lindbrook and Le Conte, Chinese elms on Thayer, Hilts and Glenmont, and Western sycamores on Beverly Glen between Sunset and Comstock. Fifteen different tree species were originally planted and together add to the neighborhood’s unique beauty and grace.

Updated Holmby Westwood Tree Plan

Age, disease, pests, and climate have taken their toll on many of the original neighborhood trees.  In addition, the City no longer approves some of the original parkway tree species because of their invasive root structures, inappropriate sizes for the parkways, and high water demands.  There are more than two hundred missing trees.

Working with a tree arborist, neighborhood residents, and the City’s Urban Forestry Division, the Green Team has updated the street-by-street parkway tree plan to identify replacement trees that are climate-adaptable, aesthetically pleasing, and complementary to existing trees on the street.  The replacement trees are approved by the City Urban Forestry Division for parkway planting and have limited tendency for root invasion of sidewalks. The updated parkway tree replacement plan has been approved by the HWPOA.


Read our Homby Westwood Tree Plan, locate your street and find your tree.

Street-by-Street map of Trees

Updated Tree Plan

Map Coming Soon